Philly Fashion Week Part 2

Dear Laney,

I had so much fun at the fashion show and received a ton of brand recognition. One specifically, Mike Jerrick from Fox29 good day Philadelphia. After my showcase, he walked up to me and said That he liked my collection and would I like to come on his show. OMG!!!!!! I was in total shock and said YESSSSSS!!!! He gave me his contact and kept his word. ( I thought he was pulling my leg lol)

In Addition to this connection I also met so many wonderful and talented Designers and stylists. I also met Jeantrix and had to tell them how much they’ve inspired me throughout the years. (insert high school girl screams). It was something spectacular I’ll always cherish. Look at my logo on the big screen. I love it!! I can’t wait to do it all again…


New Accessories For Fall


Philly Fashion Week