The Raddest Girl On The Planet: @Nowletsgetgoing

Dear Rad Girl,
If you've been following my Diary (blog) over the past 7 years, you are familiar with this segment #theraddestgirlsontheplanet . In this series, I feature Rad Girls that are energetic, ambitious, fun, loving, uber talented, kind and artistic... I search all around social media for the raddest girls on the planet and I've came across some amazing girls I would love to share their stories with you. For the month of May, we have Sola a holistic self care guru and sweetheart, she’s stylish, beautiful and kind. Check out our interview below.

Introduce yourself (where you’re from and what you do)

Hi! I'm Sola. I'm originally from the great reality TV show state of New Jersey but I moved to Philly almost ten years ago. I'm a content creator and Holistic Self-Care Guide and Routine Builder.


Can you enlighten our readers about holistic self care? What is it?

I would be happy to! Holistic self-care describes a set of practices, rituals, and routines that aid us in loving and healing ourselves.

In what ways is holistic self care life changing? vs other methods of self care?

Holy moly! What a great question! Holistic self-care is life changing vs other methods of self-care because it encompasses all other forms of self care. And it does so with an immense amount of empathy and self-patience. It's a method that allows you to fall off and come back or pivot and recenter. It's about discovering your true passions, and aligning with that energy - mind, body and spirit.

How has being a woman of color especially this past year while being an influencer effected you?

Honestly, it's really taught me to log off and go make a difference in real life. Both internally (taking the time to really ground and meditate) but also in my community. I've fundraised and volunteered for a number of different local food sovereignty community organizations. Although social media amplification is really important, there comes a point where we need to log off for mental health and then physically show up for our communities on a consistent basis.

What are your thoughts on what’s happening in the world? In what ways is holistic self care applicable during the pandemic?

I'm learning that the work we do with ourselves and by ourselves impacts the way we show up in the world. The pandemic, for many of us, gave us the opportunity to slow down, assess, maybe cry a little (I'm pro-crying), be grateful for what we have, then really evaluate who we are and what we want. That process is the corner store of holistic self-care.


What’s your why? How did you find your niche/ passion?

I found my passion by doing a combination of just going for it and failing epically. But the beacon home was always trying to encourage women to be happy and absolutely freaking unapologetic. I've worn many hats over many industries (Fashion, food/hospitality, journalism, the list literally goes on) but at the end of the day, I always come back to trying to help women be their own icons.

Who inspires you?

Every and all women who live their truth blissfully and unapologetically.

What’s one of your favorite hobbies?

Cooking (and eating)!

Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?

Traveling, doing what I love, and being surrounded by the people I love.

Favorite food places in the city?!

I could list SO many. But I think my favorite places are Martha,, and Good Dog.

Do you like to travel? If so, where to?

I LOVE to travel. I backpacked across Europe with two of my good friends when I was in college and did a six month solo trip through America a few years back. I'm hoping that my next great adventure will be soon.

Happiest memory? Who/ what makes you smile?

I love seeing people just enjoy themselves. So any moment where I remember just laughing and being silly with my friends and family is my favorite.

Favorite Dear Laney Piece

The Danika jumpsuit is sooo me. The color, the cute but casual fit. I'm obsessed.

Thank you Sola for taking the time to chat with us, you can find her on ig on @nowletsgetgoing .




Philly Fashion Week Prep


The Raddest Girls On The Planet: @jack.lene